Saturday, April 16, 2011

Introductory post

In light of my adventures in trailer food diaries, some of my friends have encouraged me to provide this quirky informational blog about astrological musings and insights with respect to foods and moods.  I am bringing to the table salon-style straight talk about how the cosmos (and our unique perspectives) can divinely inspire dinner parties, picnics, cheat-meals, and more.  I'll sprinkle it with some research and suggestions, but ultimately you are your own best guide.  Meanwhile, let me give you some ideas to chew on.....

  • Need a date on the calendar and meal-plan to woo your sweetheart?
  • Kids not eating what you fixed and you want a solution?
  • Struggling with weight loss and need a new game plan (with a best day to implement it?)
  • Want some dates on the calendar for days you should reel it in, and some dates to let it all hang out?
  • Unwanted company coming for dinner and you need a food plan to make them leave?
  • Need help deciding which appetizers (sweet or savory?) you should bring to a party?
I got you covered. Credibility: over 10 years of an astrology habit, a MA in health psychology with an emphasis on research, a successful multi-media business on trailer food, and curly hair (you can't trust an astrologer with straight hair).

1 comment:

  1. okay, i laughed pretty good on the last line, which is always the truth tester--if it bubbles up a laugh and i can't help it, it's the straight skinny. got a good thing going here... it would be very fun to have a little more added in from the star side on some of the fork-casts so we'd learn something or at least appreciate how you are putting it together--okay, i know that intuition is intuition and you don't hafta have a REASON for everything...righto. But if Betelgeuse was doing the watusi on the 4th and that was why we could benefit from dining and dancing under the stars, that would be fun to know. and you would for SURE make it into the party patter that night.... *grin*
