Saturday, December 31, 2011

Using the Moon to Map your 2012

It ain’t witchcraft, just good old fashioned farm-girl star-gazing.  Having been a student of astrology for twelve years, I have compiled some lunar information that can help guide you when making plans.  Look at it as a way to incorporate your own wishes, goals and desires while utilizing the timing of the cosmos for heightened success.  I believe in miracles, free will, conscious destiny, and using the wisdom of our ancestors to help us progress in the present.  Just because it may be a ‘good time’ to start something new, you might personally need to end something. Just use your noggin and have fun with this lunar map for 2012.  There’s some bonus material to boot.
  • We experience a leap year (having an additional /29th/ day to February)
  • We get three Friday the 13ths: January, April and July
  • We get a Blue Moon on August 31st (once every 2-3 years)

Moon Cycles and Phases for Beginners: Most horoscopes are based on the sun.  This one is based on the moon and applies to everyone under the sun no matter what sign you are.  Even though the moon affects us differently, we can all take advantage of certain lunar energies.    The lunar month is the 29.53 days it takes to go from one new moon to the next. During the lunar month, the Moon goes through four main phases and hits different signs of the zodiac.  This horoscope is based on both the lunar phases (new, first quarter, full, and last quarter) as well as the zodiacal signs the moon is in at the time of each phase using the American Ephemeris for the 21st Century. 

Start Something New (New Moon). 
Make headway (First Quarter Moon). 
Finish it (Full Moon). 
Clean up, clear out and make room for the next new cycle (Last Quarter Moon).

January 2012
: Wolf Moon
January 1: First Quarter Moon in Aries: Building on ideas from last year.  Make a list and timeline to carry out your action steps.  Get our your hammer, rake leaves, cut away dead plants for quick and satisfying home improvement projects.
January 9: Full Moon in Cancer: Complete projects around your home that make you feel nourished.  Invite friends and family over to your home for dinner.
January 16: Last Quarter Moon in Libra: Make room for beauty and/or new relationships by clearing out old energy or patterns.
January 23: New Moon in Aquarius: Join a new social group, start a new social media page, make goals and plant seeds towards a new intellectual endeavor or humanitarian effort.  Think outside the box and make your bucket list.
January 31: First Quarter Moon in Taurus: Chop wood and carry water.  Make headway on your to-do list.  Be practical, strong and smart.
February 2012
: Hunger Moon
February 7: Full Moon in Leo: It’s a great day for fund raisers, giving presentations, issuing certificates of completion or ceremonies, and parties with flair, but if you’re at home take time to be honest with yourself.  Be the star you are without offending others.
****February 14: Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio: Happy Intense Valentines Day! Lose all your desires to manipulate or control something that isn’t working and end old relationships once and for all today.  You’ll need the room for something new.  But if it is working in your relationship, plan on a sensual evening and use it to deepen the bonds.  It’s a good time for singles to do something nice to show their loyalty to friends and family.
February 21: New Moon in Pisces: It’s a dreamy day to plant new seeds around music, art, libations, and meditation.  Sometimes you just gotta check out to check in.  Start a new painting, buy a new CD, and commit to a yoga, prayer or meditation practice.
February 22: Ash Wednesday (?)

March 2012
: Sap Moon
March 1: First Quarter Moon in Gemini: Make headway, run errands efficiently, write letters, finish a novel whether you are writing or reading it, find a fun group activity, be a social butterfly while making progress.
March 8: Full Moon in Virgo: Finish preparing the earth for your Spring garden, pay attention to details in contracts signed today.  Do something kind for small animals or spend time with them in training or catching up on annual health care needs.  Put something up for a bargain sale to get it out of your hair.
March 14: Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius: Use candor and spontanaeity in clearing out big things that are in your way: sell a boat or horse trailer that is taking up too much space, have a party to clean out the barn or garage, have a neighborhood garage sale, let something big go.  In publishing, finish any query letters to be sent on the next new moon.  In legal affairs, tie up loose ends.  Slash and burn negative emotional energy.
March 20: Spring Equinox
March 22: New Moon in Aries: Great energy for starting something new, be it planting your Spring garden, merging companies to form a new entity, starting your own business, or buying something red.
March 30: First Quarter Moon in Cancer: Spend time in relationships that build rapport.  Do the most nourishing thing you can think of on your to-do list.
April 2012
: Egg Moon
April 6: Full Moon in Libra: Good Friday:  Bring projects to fruition with harmony and balance, spend some time with your partner, work in pairs, use feng shui to finish decorating a space, or finalize negotiations between two parties.  Two of something brings equilibrium.
April 7: Passover
April 8: Easter

April 13: Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn: Tie up loose ends with a family business, or with family, or in business.  Go over financial plans and budgets, check your goals with your actions to track progress with gratitude.  Do some nesting.
April 21: New Moon in
Taurus: Plant seeds in the ground, or begin a new project/goal that requires perseverance.  Examples: start a training program towards completing a marathon or bike race, or begin an art project that involves several steps and patience with clay.
April 29: First Quarter Moon in Leo: Take action steps to put yourself in a public position, get something new to eat at an up and coming restaurant, enjoy a new movie from your favorite actor, make an announcement, send out invitations.  Don’t leave the house without looking your best.
May 2012
: Milk Moon
May 1: Beltane
May 6: Full Moon in Scorpio: High emotions, deep romances, psychic tendencies, and magical synchronicities highlight the day.  Use these energies to finish what you started.
May 12: Last Quarter Moon in Aquarius: Let your freak flag fly.  Go ahead, throw the baby out with the bathwater.  Do something outlandish to get rid of all that isn’t working.  Paint a room electric blue.  Make it the last day you go to a group meeting that you have outgrown.
****May 20: New Moon in Gemini / Annular solar eclipse – A narrow ring of light will surround dark new moon today.  Host a think tank session to inspire new ideas and ways of thinking.  Use public transportation.  Write a new wish list and let it include hiking/biking vacations and meeting new people.
May 27: Shavuot
May 28: First Quarter Moon in Virgo: Let go of the big picture and micro-focus to carry out details whether you want to or not.  Make small, satisfying improvements in areas that have been bothering you one step at a time.
June 2012
: Moon of making fat
June 4: Full Moon in
Sagittarius /partial lunar eclipse: Get something heavy off your chest in a controlled, well thought out way.  Bring any project regarding gypsys, scholars, or publishing to a close.  Have a conversation on overseas philosophy.
June 11: Last Quarter Moon in
Pisces: Fake it till you make it.  Be careful with alcohol and drug tendencies, and watch for suicidal tendencies.  Hug more, dream about peaceful alternatives, and play pretend.
June 19: New Moon in Gemini: Start a conversation that requires quick thinking, play a game that requires versatile action, have a meeting of the minds that results in a new project.  Let your wish list include something intellectual like creating a book list for things you’ve been wanting to read.
June 20: Summer Solstice
June 27: First Quarter Moon in Libra: Make some progress with any partnerships or unions.  Beautify something: get a facial or pedicure with a friend, move some furniture around to make things flow, put new art up, weed your garden.
July 2012
: Mead Moon
****July 3: Full Moon in Capricorn: Guru Purnima: Finalize plans.  Set structure to your calendar or timeline.  Finish building something physical: make a sandcastle, put the finishing touches on a remodel, build a fort with sheets and a table, construct a model.  Complete institutional details without seeking favors. This is also Guru Purnima.  In the Hindu culture, this festival is common to all spiritual traditions in dedicating gratitude towards the teacher.
July 11: Last Quarter Moon in Aries: Tidy up with small, satisfying projects that don’t take much time: wash your car, pick up one room, pay one bill, check one thing off your master to-do list today before you get too distracted.
July 19: New Moon in Cancer: Stock up on some new items at the grocery store to try some new seafood recipes.  Make a wish list including something that helps you feel nourished.  Start a new home improvement project.  Mother yourself.  Take a trip to the beach.  Do an art project with seashells. Get a breast exam.
July 20: Ramadan
July 26: First Quarter Moon in Scorpio: Take your last aha moment and apply it.  Survey growth or make some headway in any of the following areas: self-improvement, mystery novels, transformation, research.
July 27: – Opening ceremony of the 2012 Summer Olympics begins in London, the first city in history to host the Summer Olympic Games three times.
August 2012
: Wort Moon
August 2: Full Moon in Aquarius: Embrace, but end a crazy cycle.
August 9: Last Quarter Moon in Taurus: Wash the sheets, tidy the landscaping, give old items to goodwill so your nest can be clean and neat.
August 17: New Moon in Leo: Begin a new cycle that puts yourself first.  Take some new professional head shots.  Wear leopard print.
August 24: First Quarter Moon in Sagittarius: Update your passport for spontaneous overseas travel, or take necessary steps to plan a thoughtful journey.  Finish one chapter in a book.  Make progress on your to-do list through play.
****August 31: Full Moon in Pisces / Blue Moon / Corn Moon: Tendencies towards day dreaming and escapism in all forms are high – but done mindfully and safely can lead to out of this world revelations.   Blue moons are rare, happening once every 2-3 years, and that’s where the phrase comes from, “once in a blue moon”.  It’s the second full moon in the month that is considered the blue moon.  The next Blue Moon will be July 31, 2015.
September 2012
: Harvest Moon
September 8: Last Quarter in Gemini: Let go (not ‘release’) old thought patterns that aren’t serving your higher purpose.  Don’t while away the hours with incessant conversation.  Let your words count.
September 16: New Moon in Virgo: Plant seeds, start something new that involves minutae and details.  Begin a puzzle with 1,000 pieces, start reading a long new book series.  Count your blessings, literally, but writing them down.  Let your wish list include measurements, patterns, and small things.
September 17: Rosh Hashanah
September 21: Fall Equinox

September 22: First Quarter Moon in
Capricorn: Grow something that has long-term goals.  Get a mentor to weigh in on your thoughts and actions.  Seek out some authority in your field for help.
September 26: Yom Kippur
September 30: Full Moon in Aries: Complete something quickly with a decision that it is over.  Bury something once and for all.
October 2012
: Blood Moon
October 1: Sukkot
October 8: Last Quarter Moon in Cancer: Harvest your garden or go to the farmers market, and make your loved ones a home-cooked meal.  Heal any mother-wounds and let things go.  Make your nest tidy both physically and energetically.
October 15: New Moon in
Libra: Start a new partnership, develop two versions of a plan, start a new workout plan with a partner, the choice is yours just make sure it’s in the name of beauty and balance.
October 22: First Quarter Moon in Capricorn: Slow and steady wins the race.  Play cribbage or bridge, pay a traffic fine, get in the good graces of those that can help you meet your goals.
October 29: Full Moon in Taurus: Bring projects and ideas to fruition. Enjoy some earthly pleasures with a good meal and aroma-therapy massage.
November 2012
: Beaver moon
November 7: Last Quarter Moon in Leo: Out with the old, in with the new you. ****November 13: New Moon in Scorpio: total solar eclipse: Diwali: The moon completely covers the solar disk on this Diwali, or ‘festival of lights’ as celebrated by many Hindus as the start of their new year.  Light a candle for something new and transformative in your life.
November 20: First Quarter Moon in Aquarius: Crazy ideas are great to implement, but take time to make sure all they are taking you towards, not further away, from your goals.
November 28: Full Moon in Gemini / appulse lunar eclipse: Write down all the ideas you are getting and put an end to those that aren’t serving your best and highest interest on your life’s purpose.
December 2012
: Moon of Long Nights
December 6: Last Quarter Moon in
Virgo: Finish small projects to make room for new ones.  Repair trousers that need buttons, sew a patch on a pair of jeans, scrub a wooden floor, wash the dog collars.
December 9: Hanukkah
December 13: New Moon in Sagittarius: Ride a horse for the first time, begin a long journey, move camps, learn about a new philosophy.
December 20: First Quarter Moon in Pisces: Build your intuition, practice guessing at who is calling before you look at caller ID.  Turn the TV off mid-way through the show and let go of your attachment to the outcome. 
December 21: Winter Solstice
December 25: Christmas

December 28: Full Moon in Cancer: Finish putting away the decorations with an attitude of gratitude.  Burn a candle that smells like the ocean as you complete year end projects and say goodbye to 2012.